When is Christmas Jumper Day?

If there’s one day that excites us here at Your Best Ever Christmas more than Christmas Day, it’s Christmas Jumper Day!
If you’re wondering , ‘What date does Christmas Jumper Day fall on this year?’, ask no more! This year, the popular Save The Children’s Christmas Jumper Day falls on Friday December 14th in the UK.
Save The Children, launched their national Christmas Jumper Day campaign in 2012. Encouraging people nationwide to wear a Christmas Jumper and donate money. It quickly became adopted by the nation and now every year, over 4 million people take part.
Jumper’s can be any style you wish, the sillier the better, and you are welcome to knit or make your own. Then, you donate £2 to charity and become the difference between a hot meal or a cold meal to a child.
Sign up with Work or Family and Friends
While you’re under no obligation to sign up in groups, it’s a good way to have fun and fundraise, at the same time. Get your family together in a Whatsapp group and let them know the date of this years event. Perhaps speak to your manager at work about taking part with colleagues who are keen.
Easily sign up with work, family or school via the Save The Children Christmas Jumper Day home page.
What happens to your £2?
It’s estimated over 6 milllion children die around the world, every year, before their 5th birthday. This is due to easily prevented illness like pnemonia, malaria, diarrhoea and malnutrition.
Closer to home, 3.5 million children live below the bread line in the UK. Deprived of basic home comforts, like heating, hot meals, childcare and the correct clothing.
Donating just £2 can provide a child with a hat and a blanket to see them through a cold winter.
So, this year, pulling on your silliest pullover, can really make a different to the life of a child!
Last year’s appeal made an astonishing £4,391,821 – let’s hope they beat that this year!